Warranty, Care and Maintenance
Pacific Curbing wants you to be pleased with your new concrete edging. It will save you hours of edging and trimming time in addition to beautifying your yard. Following are some brief facts and instructions for the care and maintenance of your new concrete edging.

1. Curing – (VERY IMPORTANT!) Do not touch, pick anything off of, walk or work around your new curbing the day we install or the next day, it is very soft and can be damaged easily. There will be charges for any repairs needed and is the customers responsibility. It requires at least 4 hours of curing before it can handle light rain and 36 hours before it can withstand foot traffic. Try not to bump or hit your new curbing with hard objects for the first 28 days. Your curbing takes 30-90 days to fully cure, the curing time for each installation is different. You will notice the color of the edging changing during the curing process. Don’t worry: this is normal for the curing process of concrete.
2. Sod laying, sprinkler work and landscape work can be started 24 hours after installation; however, caution must be taken as shovels, picks and wheelbarrows can damage the curb for several days while it is fully curing.
3. If you have a landscape contractor working for you, caution him about protecting the curb from damage. If wheelbarrows are used for hauling rock over the curb, put a mound of dirt over it (6″ deep) or build a ramp over the curb to keep the weight from cracking it. Never allow a tractor or truck to run over the curb.
4. If it begins to rain within 6 hours after we leave the job, try to cover the curb with plastic. Make sure sprinkler systems do not come on for at least 24 hours. Irrigation, back wash from pool, condensate lines, or rain can damage the curb during the first 24 hours.
5. Efflorescence (white powder substance) can appear on occasion and does not look good on curbing. It is generated from water sprinkling systems and can also appear after a rainstorm. The intensity of the efflorescence varies depending upon the type (hardness) of water and volume of water that gets on the curb. Check your sprinkler heads while the system is on and try to adjust them to minimize the amount of water spraying directly on the curb. If you have just planted sod and are watering frequently, efflorescence may appear more readily. Be patient, wait for your lawn to get established and clean the curb after it dries. A solution of 50/50 vinegar and water with a light brushing will remove the efflorescence. You may have to do this a few times; eventually, the efflorescence should go away.
6. Once in a while integral curbing may look “splotchy” for a few days while it is curing. This will go away as it cures and is not to be confused with efflorescence. Overlay curbing can also change colors during the curing process.
7. If curbing is damaged we will come back and make necessary repairs; however, there is a minimum charge for this service(see pricing).
8. Cracking – Concrete curbing like any other type of concrete can and will crack. We try to control the cracking with expansion joints. If cracking does occur , it is important to note: Repairs can be difficult to make in colored concrete. It is impossible to get a perfect color match. Sometimes the “cure is worse than the ill”. A hairline crack is much less noticeable than a patch or discoloration in the curbing. Concrete typically takes 24 to 48 hours to dry enough for you to walk or drive on it. However, concrete drying is a continuous and fluid event, and usually reaches its full effective strength after about 30 days. Be careful the first month.
9. Your curbing has a one-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. It will be replaced at no charge if the defect is caused by the materials we use or the way it was installed by our crew. This does not include sealer as sealer wears differently for all jobs. VERY IMPORTANT We don’t warranty mailboxes , 5 feet from the driveway or walkways since cars drive over or hit the curbing with the tires as a result a stress crack due to impact. Cracks usually occurs in the first 5 feet from the starting point of the driveway.
10. Sealing is recommended every 1-2 years for overlay curbing to keep your curbing look new. The weather and sun wear the sealer over time and it becomes dull or faded. Charges apply for this, depending on footage and prep required. Please call or see pricing. The sealer that is used on your concrete during installation is a sealer with 20% solids; it slows down the curing process which helps prevent cracking. Although glossy at first, this sealer will result in a dull finish over time. To achieve a glossy finish, we can reapply a gloss concrete sealer to your curbing , ideally waiting until the initial 2 coats has worn off. The current charge for this service is $1.oo per foot and does not include any cleaning of the curb. For jobs older than 3 years that have never been resealed and require a second coat of sealer the charge is $1.50 per foot.
11. Tree Root Damage- Over time, tree roots may lift and break some areas of your curbing. When this occurs, lift out the broken section of curbing, cut and remove (reciprocating saw works well) the root that is damaging or lifting the curb, and place the curb back down using fill dirt as support.
12. A Pacific Curbing sales consultant will meet with you to go over the project, also he or she can help you determine which color and style is best for your project. Because Pacific Curbing has many colors and designs to choose from, make sure you choose the perfect design and color because we can not change color or style once it is install. Please feel free to ask any questions of the design you are choosing. Color and Textures may very depending on design.